
Here’s the place to sample some of the exciting offerings of The Kenyon Review—one of the world’s premier literary magazines. The best new writing, poems and stories and articles, appear here in the KR Weekly Feature, as well as in the magazine. And there’s much more here as well, expanding the boundaries of traditional publishing, reaching beyond the limits of the printed page.

Consider, too, that The Kenyon Review has won Pushcart awards in each of three genres—fiction, poetry, and nonfiction—not just last year, but two years in a row! So no matter if this is your first visit to the site or if you’re a regular viewer, rest assured you’ll always find exciting new offerings:

  • Author interviews. In response to requests from our web readers, we are now offering a compendium of author interviews, which will continue to grow. Authors to be featured here include Edward Hirsch, Scott Russell Sanders, Li-Young Lee, Richard Ford, and William Gass, among others.
  • KR Index. For readers and scholars around the world, we are listing a complete index of The Kenyon Review, beginning with current and recent issues. In the months ahead, we will also offer the index of KR’s Old Series, a treasure trove of the greatest literature—writing that shaped several generations of writers and readers—from 1939 to 1970.
  • Summer Program Anthologies! We’re now featuring collected work from participants at our two incredible summer writing programs, which run every year during the last week in June and the first week in July. Check out their great writing and find out more about these two programs!

Young Writers at Kenyon is an amazing opportunity for high-school students, ages 16-18, who love to write. And write they do for two fabulous, intense, inspiring weeks with other teenagers from around the country. Some scholarship money is available.
The Kenyon Review Writers Workshop brings adult writers (college age and above) together for nine days of serious work. Organized into small poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction workshops, participants are challenged to produce and revise new material. The success of recent participants in publishing stories, poems, and even novels begun in Gambier is astounding!

  • Special Events. Find out about other exciting events sponsored by The Kenyon Review. For example, learn about a very special evening, April 11, 2000—Swing!, the smash Broadway musical, plus dining and dancing (Swing dancing, what else?) in New York. Join us there. Check out the calendar for other great events, too.
  • The Kenyon Review. In the next few months, The Kenyon Review will be available on-line in PDF format. This is exciting! The on-line edition will provide greater access to the wonderful writing found in the Review, and, with a special offer to prospective subscribers, encourage individuals to experience the matchless quality of the printed magazine as well.

Enjoy this site! And visit regularly. We’ll continue to bring you more of what you want in fine writing and Internet creativity.

David Lynn,


Editor, David H. Lynn
Managing Editor, Thomas L. Bigelow
Poetry Editor
David Baker
Fiction Editor
Nancy Zafris
Drama Editor
Wendy MacLeod
International Editor
John Kinsella
Senior Fiction Reader, Julian Anderson
Advisory Board
David Bergman
Robb Forman Dew
E.L. Doctorow
Daniel Mark Epstein
Alice Fulton
Amitav Ghosh
Rachel Hadas
Michael S. Harper
John Hollander
T.R. Hummer
Lewis Hyde
Allison Joseph
Reginald McKnight
Carol Muske
Joyce Carol Oates
Pamela Painter
Mary Jo Salter
Michael Wood
David Banks
Penny Bardel
William J. Burke III
Jacqueline Dryfoos
Alva G. Greenberg
Jean Graham
Patrick S. Guilfoyle
Paul Healy
James C. Niederman
Robert A. Oden, Jr.
(Ex officio)
M. Kristina Peterson
Kenneth J. Roberts
Matthew Winkler
Don Zacharia
Operations Coordinator, Doris Jean Dilts
Office Assistant and Summer Program Coordinator, Jeremy Countryman
Business Manager, Joseph G. Nelson
Special Consultants, Jerry Kelly, Jennifer Johns
Copy Editors, Loretta Godfrey, chief; Beverly Liles
Design, Nanette Black
Printing, Thomson-Shore
The Kenyon Review, an international journal of
literature, culture, and the arts, is published in April,
September, and December at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio 43022.
The Kenyon Review is a not-for-profit enterprise.
Founding Editor: John Crowe Ransom.Past Editors: Robie Macauley, George Lanning, Ellington White, Ronald Sharp, Frederick Turner, Philip D. Church, Galbraith M. Crump, Robert W. Daniel, William F. Klein, T.R. Hummer, Marilyn Hacker
Consulting Editors: Erin Belieu, James P. Carson, Joseph Clarke, Jennifer Clarvoe, Jeremy Countryman, Shuchi Kapila, James Kimbrell, P.F. Kluge, Deborah Laycock, Perry Lentz, Sergei Lobanov-Rostovsky, Ellen Mankoff, Theodore O. Mason Jr., Kim McMullen, Timothy B. Shutt, Judy R. Smith, Thomas P. Stamp, Patricia VigdermanStudent Associates: Emily Huigens, Christel Lee, David Smydra, Ben Bagocius, Emily Callaci, Sara Coombs, Meredith Crawford, Bonnie Crocker, Monica Curie, Jesse Donaldson, Emily Dwinnells, Amanda Gilvin, Lisa Groesz, Megan Hill, Caitlin Horrocks, Alex Jablonski, Amanda Loy, Amanda Lueck, Jenny McDevitt, Pilar Rubin, Abbi Russal, Dan Torday, Denise Wong.
Support for The Kenyon Review is provided by gifts from individual readers and friends and through the Kenyon Reivew Board of Trustees, and by grants from Kenyon College and the Ohio Arts Council. Tax-free contributions are acknowledged annually in the Review.