Material offered for first publication only is considered. Electronic and simultaneous submissions are not accepted. We consider short fiction and essays (up to 7,500 words), poetry (up to 10 pages), plays (up to 35 pages), excerpts (up to 35 pages) from larger works, and translations of poetry and short prose. The original-language work must accompany the translation and the translator is responsible for author permission. We do not consider unsolicited reviews or interviews. All submissions must be typed and accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. We do not accept electronic submissions. Unsolicited manuscripts are typically read September through March. However, because of a backlog of accepted manuscripts, we will not be reading unsolicited manuscripts from April 1999 to September 2000. Review of submissions takes up to four months. We generally follow The Chicago Manual of Style and Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. Authors planning to use end notes and/or citations should send a stamped, self-addressed envelope for our citation style guide before submitting manuscripts. Send submissions to Editor, The Kenyon Review, Gambier, OH 43022.